This page last changed on 27 Nov 2009 by msra7ag4.

Educated at both the University of Cambridge and Harvard, Adrian Wood is now a Professor of International Development at the University of Oxford. This is a role he now undertakes having previously taught at Cambridge and Sussex university, been a senior economist in Washington DC and been the chief economist of the UK's department of International Development. His main areas of interest are trade and growth, development and interactions among human resources and the political economy of aid. He is currently aiming to improve thetheoretical basis of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model which is used in some of his work, including 'North-South Trade, Employment and Inequality' and 'How Trade Hurt Unskilled Workers'. He is also examining how China affects production and employment in other developing countries. He has built up an impresive portfolio of publications which can be found on his personal page of the University of Oxford website.

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